趣趣abc > 趣趣百科 > 儿童英语 > 儿童英语学习 >


2021-06-24 15:30:22 文/趣趣abc




1. Let's start class. =It's time for class. 上课

2. Hello, boys and girls / children.同学们好

3. Good morning /afternoon, boys and girls / teacher/同学们/老师们,早晨好/下午好

4. Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日?

5. Is everyone / everybody here /present? 大家都出席了吗?

6. Is anyone/anybody absent? 有人缺席吗?

7. Let's begin our class. 咱们上课吧.

8. We'll start / begin a new lesson today.今天我们讲学习新课.

9. What day is it today? 今天星期几?

10. What's the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样?


1.We'll learn something new .我们讲学新知识.

2.Let's learn some new words/ sentences. 咱们学些新单词/句子

3.Let's review what we learned yesterday.咱们复习一下昨天学过的内容.

4.Ready? Are you ready? 准备好了吗?

5.All together.大家一起来.

6.Be quiet, please.请安静.

7. Look at my mouth, please.请看我的口型.

8.Do you understand? = Do you follow me 听懂了吗?

9.Can you follow me? 你能听懂我的话吗?

10.Please listen to me. 请注意听我说.

11.Please look at the blackboard/picture/ slide.请看黑板/幻灯片.

12.Please answer my questions.请回答我的问题.

13.Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation.注意你的拼写/发音.

14. Practice in groups, please/ In groups , please.请按小组练习.

15.Please to back to your seat. 请回到你的座位上去.




1.Good. Thank you.好的,谢谢.

2. Right/ That's right.对

3. OK/ That's OK.对

4.Good. / very good.好/非常好.

5.That's wrong.错了.

6.Excellent. / Great. / Well done.优秀/太好了/做得好

7.You've done well.你做得很好.

8. I'm sure you'll be even better next lesson/ next time.我相信下节课/下次你会做得更好


1.We'll do Exercises 1 and 2.我们将做练习一和练习二

2.For today's homework. say Hello to each other.今天的作业。互相说:Hello

3. Do it orally before write it out.在写之前作口头练习

4.Write down the word twice.把这个单词抄写两遍

5.Do your best. (I'll do everything I can.)尽最大努力写好

6. Remember / Memorize these words.用心学好这些单词

7.Next time we'll have a dictation/ spelling test. 我们下次将举行听写/拼写测验


1.Please hand in your workbooks.请把你的作业交上来

2.The bell is ringing.铃声响了

3.Class is over.下课了

4. Time is up. Let's stop here.时间到了,就到这吧

5. That's all for today.今天就到这

6.Come to / Ask me if you have questions.如果你有问题,就来问我

7. Goodbye. / Bye, See you next time.再见/下次见


