once upon a time in a kingdom far away, there were eleven princes and a single princess, by the name of elisa. one day, their mother died of a disease. eventually the king married again. the new queen hated the twelve children. she said cr...
英语精选阅读:《The Hen and the Little Girl》
in a country home, a mother hen and her cutechicks were living happily. a little girl came to visit the country home, but was very bored. one night, the girl went into the chicken house. as soon as she went in, there was disorder. here and...
英语精选阅读:《The Ugly Duckling》
a mother duck wasbroodingon her eggs near the margin of a pond. a flock of lovely baby ducks was soon born, making sweet peeping sounds when the eggs were broken. but one egg remained unbroken. it is strange. why has this egg not broken? t...
a long time ago in china there lived an emperor. the emperor loved to read books. one day, in the book he was reading, it wrote, the most beautiful precious treasure is the bird nightingale. the emperor had never seen or heard of nightinga...
1. Welcome to Bear Country! Down a sunny dirt road lives a family of bears -- Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Small Bear. 欢迎来到熊王国!在熊王国的一条洒满阳光的土路上,住着幸福的熊熊一家:熊爸爸,熊妈妈和小熊。 2. They live in a big tree. It is...
先考一下大家的词汇功底吧,请看以下词语:sanction, fast,table,cleave, 它们有什么共性呢? 答案是, 每个词自身都有两个相反的意思: Sanction(批准;制裁),fast(不动的;快速的),table(提出;搁置),cleave(劈开;粘住)。 很奇怪吧?之所以出现这种情况,...
"很简单"除了so easy 还可以怎么表达?
1. It's really simple. / It's very easy. 很简单。 2. It's a piece of cake. 小事一桩。 3. It's easy as pie. / It's easy as ABC. 真是易如反掌。 4. It's no big deal! 没什么大不了的!(很简单) 5. It's a no-brainer! 这很简单,不用花什么脑筋的! 6....
盐(salt)不仅是人们日常生活中的必需品,而且在英语中,也是使用频率较高的单词。现把有关salt 的习语总结如下,以飨读者。 worth one's salt 值得雇佣,称职。源自人类使用食盐的历史和世界货币。食盐是非常重要的东西,在亚非某些地区曾用盐作为货币;罗马...
Dear一词频繁出现,其主要用法可归纳为以下几点: Ⅰ、作形容词用。意思是可爱的、亲爱的、贵的(指东西)。 1、作定语 A、用于片语或句中,a dear shop售价昂贵的商店,a dear friend亲爱的朋友,What a dear little boy!多可爱的小男孩! B、在信函或话语开头...
第一册◎英语初阶(FIRST THINGS FIRST) 读者对象: (1)零起点的英语学习者 (2)小学高年级学生或初中一、二年级学生 (3)欲在短期内掌握英语基础的学习者 (4)英语入门级培训班的学员 (5)参加PETS一级B和二级考试的考生 学习目标: (1)达到初中或高中一年级的英...
在今天的全球化社会中,英语已经成为一门不可或缺的重要技能。越来越多的家长开始关注幼儿英语启蒙教育,希望为孩子选择一家优质的线上英语课程。作为一位英语博主,我有幸与各种优秀的英语教育机构接触,今天我将为大家推荐几个备受赞誉的幼儿线上英语启蒙课程。这些课程在外教师资、课程模式、适合年龄和价格等方面都具有独特的优势,希望能够为家长们提供有价值的参考。 1. 趣趣ABC:高性价比趣味欧美外教一对一 外教师资:趣趣ABC以其优质的外教团队而闻名。外教们不仅具备出色的英语能力,还能够通过趣味的教学方式激发孩子的学习兴
孩子的成长离不开多元化的教育,而英语作为国际交流的重要工具,更是需要用心挑选优质的学习机构。作为家长,我们都希望为孩子提供最优秀的英语学习环境。在这篇文章中,我们将从家长的视角出发,深入分析几个备受欢迎的英语教育机构,探讨他们的特点,最终为您推荐趣趣ABC,理由将在结语中逐一展现。 瓜瓜龙英语 构建英语思维的奇妙舞台 瓜瓜龙英语以情景式教学著称,通过丰富的教材和实景模拟,让孩子在真实情境中感受英语。他们强调培养孩子的英语思维,使英语不再是简单的课程,而是贯穿于日常生活的一部分。这种与生活紧密结合的教